Monday, May 25, 2009

Some News!

On friday I got a call from the clinic, finally!
The nurse called to inform me that I would be starting meds when IM starts hers. I asked her when she would be starting as I thought there was a specific time when she had to start and I expected a few weeks or something but she said that she could start as soon as IM was able to get her meds and that meant I would be starting too! She also informed me that we were looking at a mid june tansfer! I am so excited! This came out of no where and I am excited it did :)
I talked to IM over the weekend and her doctor is on vacation so we are going to have to wait til he gets back before we can start the meds. It kinda sucks but I think I can handle a little more waiting :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Finally doing something I want!

I have been casually looking at surrogacy for the past couple of years and just recently started to look into it more seriously. I contacted an Agency in December and then lost contact with them shortly after. I decided to post an ad up on a surrogacy website and see if anyone was interested in a surrogate from Canada, and I got a reply very quickly from a very nice lady who was representing an IM (intended mother). We discovered that we could not match, as the IM needed as surrogate in BC and I am in Ontario. She then referred me to an agency in Canada who I contacted right away. The lady there is super nice and answered all my questions. It was perfect. I got all the forms filled out and we talked on the phone and a couple of days later I got an email telling me about potential intended parents! They are from Germany and are young and they are perfect! IM was born without a uterus so she can not have a baby of her own, however her ovaries are still in great shape so she will be able to use her eggs. We do a lot of emailing back and forth and we were able to talk on the phone. We matched right away :) Shortly there after we did all the screening and now I am just waiting for a call from the clinic to see when we will be starting meds and when the transfer will be. I am so excited for all this to be happening, and I can't wait!
During the screening process it was discovered that the scar on my uterus from my csection is very thin so they will have to do a c-section for the birth of the surro baby/ies. Which I have no problems with.
My dream has always been to help people and now I am able to do it :D

Hopefully I will be able to update regularily so it's not a short summarized version like this everytime. I look forward to share my jouney with you :)